Frank G. Speck Papers - Images

1-2-b: Mrs. Michel Buckshot
1-2-b: Mrs. Michel Buckshot
"Age 73 yrs. Maniwaki, P.Q. Photo by F.H. Patman."
1-21-a: Bororo dance
1-21-a: Bororo dance
Black and white photograph of six Bororo men, dancing around a fire, with spectators, in Mato Grasso, Brazil., Image (1-21-a); Freeman guide #4759a., Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
1-21-b: Bororo man in ceremonial dress
1-21-b: Bororo man in ceremonial dress
Black and white photograph, full-length portrait, of Bororo man in feathered native attire with head-dress and ornaments, in Mato Grasso, Brazil., Image (1-21-b); Freeman guide #4759a., Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
1-3-a: Algonquin Council
1-3-a: Algonquin Council
Black-and-white full-length group portrait of 3 men standing (back row), 9 men and women standing (middle row), and 6 men and women seated (front row). Identified on photo as "Algonquin Council, Roger Williams Park [Providence, Rhode Island], June 16, 1924." Individuals who are identified in accompanying document are, from left to right: (back row) "3 Hassanamisco Nipmucs"; (middle row) T.W. Bickwell, Charles Daylight (Penobscot, with headdress); James L. Cisco (Nipmuc, headdress), Chief Mitchell (Narragansett, in traditional dress), Joe Strong Wolf (in traditional dress); (seated) Mrs. Cisco Sullivan (Nipmuc), Chief Robert Clark (Nanticoke, headdress), Gladys Tantaquidgeon and Gertrude Harrision (Mohegan), Mrs. Steele (Narragansett), Percy Congdon (Mohegan).
1-45-b: Mrs. Eliza Gordon
1-45-b: Mrs. Eliza Gordon
Black and white photograph of Mrs. Eliza Gordon, Catawba Indian, using scraping tool to sculpt pottery. For published work, Catawba pottery making..., Image 1-45-b, Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
10-13-a: William Britton
10-13-a: William Britton
Black-and-white, half-length. 3/4-view portrait of William Brinton, Shawnee, taken in Oklahoma., Image 10-13-a
10-13-b: William Britton
10-13-b: William Britton
Black-and-white, half-length. front-view portrait of William Brinton, Shawnee, taken in Oklahoma., Image 10-13-b