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(221 - 240 of 291)
Charles Cassin Jr., infant son of Charles Luke Cassin.
U4.1.50 Meier Boas, father of Franz Boas.
La-Tang-Ka-Yang-Ke, The Running Bull (Yankton Sioux Warrior, Dakota)
Clark University - Biological Department - 1891-92, formal, eight men sitting and eight men standing.
He-Ka-Ka Nang-Zhe, The Standing Elk (Yankton Sioux Warrior, Dakota)
U4.1.23 Franz Boas as student.
A view in Washington.
Bas relief du soubassement du palais à Palenque
Lucy and Anna Peale, full length, informal, seated.
Travaux dans la maison Tolteque à Tula
Either N.W or .S.E. corner of 3rd and Lombard, Philadelphia, possibly Charles Willson Peale's house.
Se-Tan-Si-Tan, Yellow Hawk (Sans Arc Chief, Dakota)
Façade occidentale de l'aile interieure du palais de Palenque
Chip-Pin, Always Riding (Uta Chief, Colorado)
Ma-Va-Ta-Na-Han-Ska, Long Mandan (Two-Kettle Sioux Chief, Dakota)
Wzhi-Kian, Thunder Coming Down to the Ground (A Po-To-Wa-Ta-Mi Councillor, Kansas)
Interieure du premier étage de la tour sud à Comalcalco
La-Ka-Ko, The Gray Fox (Chief of the Sac and Foxes, Kansas)
Shu-Ri-Pi, Lodge Pole's Son (Uta Chief, Colorado)
Types indiens -- Mixteca