Pencil sketch of Mayan glyphs of the date 13 Men, 13 Kayab, drawn from stele 14, Yaxchilan expedition, Chiapas, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Yaxchilan expedition, March 22 to May 15, 1931, Book II; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Pencil sketch of Mayan glyphs of the date 2 Cib, 19 Pax, drawn from lintel 47, Yaxchilan expedition, Chiapas, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Yaxchilan expedition, March 22 to May 15, 1931, Book I; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Black and white illustration, with some color added, of page 69, Mayan glyphs of the Dresden Codex, Yucatan, Mexico.; Mayan #1, Dresden Codex #1; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Ink sketch of a hieroglyphic band on Cementerio wall, Uxmal ruins, Yucatan, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Uxmal expedition, 1941-1942; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Ink sketch of a single row of Mayan glyphs with crossed bones, skulls, dots and decorative Ahau signs on Cementerio wall, Uxmal ruins, Yucatan, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Uxmal expedition, 1941-1942; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Pencil sketch of Mayan glyphs of the month coefficient 13, "the end of the tun," drawn from stele 62, Calakmul expedition, Yucatan, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Calakmul expedition, April 3 to May 1, 1932, Book I; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation
Pencil sketch of Mayan glyphs of the date 7 Ahau, 3 Cumhu, drawn from stele 41, Calakmal expedition, Yucatan, Mexico.; Diary of Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Calakmul expedition, April 3 to May 1, 1932, Book I; Funding provided by: Getty Foundation