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View of unidentifed man standing beside scientific equipment.
Portrait of unidentified man, wearing bow tie.
Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, November 17, 1915.
View of people on horses in Grand Canyon.
Eleanor Chapin Slater, 1947.
View of boardroom.
View of scientific equipment.
Group of unidentified men examining equipment.
View of study, painting of W. F. G. Swann on far wall.
John R. Slater.
Unidentified woman, seated, examining scientific equipment.
Unidentified scientific equipment.
View of scientific equipment, three structures.
View of scientific equipment.
Portrait of unidentified man.
Half length view of unidentified woman, wearing mink shawl and white gloves.
S. R. Milner [?], formal profile.
Two unidentifed men in flight suits.
"The King's Hall, Parliament, where President's reception was held."
View of post office, Canberra, Australia.