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(41 - 60 of 172)
Lancaster, formal portrait.
H. Wilkins, Nautilus crew member, in cold weather gear.
Spirit of Bien Boa appearing to medium Marthe Beraud.
Christening of Nautilus at Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Hains family portrait.
Spirit in death pose behind seated man.
Clews and Chambers, Woods Hole, 1921.
Cohn, sitting in laboratory, Woods Hole.
Julian Scott, Woods Hole, 1922
M. R. Lewis, sitting at desk, Woods Hole.
Carothers, sitting at table in laboratory, Woods Hole.
Hartman, standing outside with gloves, holding possum by tail, Woods Hole.
Koford, sitting at table with microscope, Woods Hole.
Chambers, seated at desk in laboratory, Woods Hole.