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Rev. R. M. Chipman (?), seated, reading book.
I. S. Ogden, August 1864, Milwaukee.
Japanese group portrait, 1903.
John Knight Shryock, 1906.
Chimpanzee reaching for bananas
Susan Ogden Roebuck, carte de visite.
Chimpanzee reaching for bananas, seated chimpanzee looking on.
Man standing on porch, 'a true'fish-story'.
Wedding Party.
Dr. Hallowell, bust, formal
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Reunion, Church of the Incarnation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Unidentifed woman and two men, full length, seated on porch "after tennis."
Isaac Lea, bust, formal.
"Saddle Rock": Shryock child and mother [?], sitting, full length, informal portrait.
Dr. Thomas D. Cope family portrait.
Shryock child and mother [?], "bound for the beach," standing, full length, informal portrait.
Lancaster, formal portrait.
H. Wilkins, Nautilus crew member, in cold weather gear.