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Flashing light sign "Some People are Born to be a Burden on the Rest" used with small exhibit.
Flashing light sign "Learn About Heredity, You can help to correct these conditions" used with small exhibit.
Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Charles B. Davenport.
Banquet tendered physicians and delegates to the national Conference on Race Betterment by the Battle Creek Sanitarium portrait in dining hall.
Two young researchers in laboratory setting.
Fitter Family medal, "I Have a Goodly Heritage."
Board showing color inheritance in guinea pigs.
Flashing light sign used with first exhibit at Fitter Families Contest.
Eugenic and Health Exhibit, Kansas Free Fair, 1929.
Chart used at Kansas Free Fair showing "marriages fit and unfit" with outcomes of "pure" and "abnormal" unions.
Letter to Mrs. Harriman from Cold Spring Harbor, August 21, 1910.
Guinea pigs showing color inheritance.
Chart used at Kansas Free Fair describing "unfit human traits" and the importance of eugenic marriage.
"Eugenists are Congratulated."
"Eugenics Victory."
Judge Harry Olson.
Winner of Large Family Class, Texas State Fair, 1925.
Examination building, Fitter Families Contest, Kansas Free Fair.
Mongolian Idiots Hands.
Mendel's Theatre showing inheritance of hair color.