Anthony Todd writes to Benjamin Franklin about the packet boats, including an advertisement about the transit of mail from Falmouth to New York.; American Philosophical Society
Concurs that difficulties exist regarding the laws of impost and tonnage
and discusses the method of keeping accounts in the Treasury Department;
discusses a tonnage act and an act for registering vessels and points out
that both laws may require alteration.
; ; Ralph Gomory talks about the consequences of placing the shareholder value as the most important. He focuses on income inequality, how we got here, and what we can do about it.
Deposition regarding his service during the Revolutionary war in order to obtain a pension under the acts of 18 March 1818 and I May 1820; includes a schedule of property.
Gives instructions for counteracting persons engaged in foreign trade who might purchase casks marked "Old Stock" in order to evade the revenue and impost.; "Circular"
; ; Professor Gomory introduces the symposium on the American corporation. How have they changed over the course of American history?; Further reading: Daedalus. Volume 142, Issue 2 (Spring 2013) p.102-118