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Receipt, 1778 August 03
Notes on Establishing a Packet Boat Service to and from New York, [1783 August 31]
Marignac, Gabriel Louis Gallisard de to Benjamin Franklin, 1780 September 09
Le Roy, Jean Baptiste to Benjamin Franklin, [1777 December 05]
Bache, Richard to Benjamin Franklin, 1780 September 10
Hutton, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 July 23
Resolution, United States. Congress, 1782 December 31
Houston, W. C. to Benjamin Franklin, 1780 February 09
Order, United States. Congress, 1780 December 21
Laurens, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 May 30
Cooper, Samuel to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 July 22
Peters, William to Benjamin Franklin, 1779 August 12
Symons, Thomas to Sir Phillip Stephens, 1780 February 15
Trumbull, Jonathan to Silas Deane, 1782 May 15
Cooper, Samuel to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 June 15
Resolution, United States. Congress, 1782 February 08
Bondfield, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 March 20
Mitchell, Henry to the Lords of the Admiralty, 1780 February 15