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(101 - 120 of 2,309)
A-239: Site of Hudson's Bay Company post
A-208: Aankus Owen, portrait
A-329: Ojibwa groups, outside on river bank
F-173: Jane Duck, Lillian Owen, James Owen, and Thomas Duck, group portrait
F-057: Moses Owen, portrait
A-121: Aamoo Duck, portrait
F-092: Joe Keeper, William Berens, A. I. Hallowell, and Atoine Bittern
A-147: Ojibwa woman and child, portrait
A-285: Bear snare, rope taut
F-058: Stanley Quill, portrait
F-129: Ojibwa woman in front of birch trees, portrait
F-084: Ojibwa boy in overalls, portrait
A-101: Family portrait, outside in Little Grand Rapids
F-210: Four men standing, portrait
A-296: Wood structure
F-199: Jimmy Fain, portrait
F-070: Maamaan and Aamoo Duck standing outside, portrait
A-304: Pikangikum structures
A-336: Group of Ojibwa, next to pole structures and tents
F-240: Mission, pole structure