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(121 - 140 of 213)
179. Wales - Caches
230. Selawik - School house
204. Kivalina - Mr Maguire
144. Old couple, Icy Cape
041. Chester Sevick and Jimmie Orealuk who went north with Walter Shields
098. In the Saw Tooth Mountains
100. At Igloo [Mary's Igloo?] Reindeer Camp
033. Sled deer - fighting with horns
089. Shungnak - C. D. Jones and Jimmie
167. Deering - Flashlight. Mrs Hare, Miss Hunnicutt, Jack and Ashagak, Mrs Gooden
212. Kotzebue - School, (1) Mrs Cox (2) Mrs MacLeod
195. Kivalina - on the oil tank!
214. Native houses - "Mister Evans Iglooruk"
042. In the Saw Tooth Mountains
065. Sled deer, Shishmaref to Wales, No. 2
088. Shungnak - Flashlight - Judge Moran's fox ranch
194. Kivalina - Future belles
059. Deer we used from Kivalina to Icy Cape herd and return
146. Barrow [Utqiagvik] flashlights - Mr and Mrs Cram and Alice Ahlook