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(41 - 60 of 467)
F-211: Mission Church
A-291: Stanley Quill, portrait
A-105: Kiiwiichens and Kamanaachis Keeper, portrait
F-130: Duck Lake structures
A-314: Ojibwa women and children, group portrait
F-218: "Whiskeyjack," portrait
F-115: Ojibwa man in vest, portrait
A-047: Berens River by canoe, unloading at portage
A-110: Ojibwa girl, portrait, standing outside
F-075: Nenk (Bushie) Owen, portrait
F-102: Waabano lodge, ceremonies
F-235: Canoes at shoreline
F-154: Niizhishaan Owen and family, portrait
A-141: Miskwimin, portrait
F-287: Tent structure
F-241: Pole and canvas covering
F-145: Rectangular ceremonial lodge
F-087: Treaty time, Berens River
A-160: Shoowap Keeper, profile
A-284: Bear snare