Norwich, [Connecticut]. Acknowledging Franklin's letter of the 14th ult. which, together with the Act of the Pennsylvania Assembly, will be laid before the Legislature of Connecticut; persuaded of their desire to cultivate peace and good harmony.
General physical description: A.L.S. 1p.
Boston. His ill health obliged him to leave Congress for a time. Recommending a young gentleman, Mr. Wm. Vernon, to his particular notice; he desires to enter some mercantile house.
General physical description: A.L.S. 1p.
Grand Cairo. Sends Franklin a copy of six quartettes which he lately composed for the use of the Harmonical Society of Bengal; his success in the watch-making trade. Belongs to the Society of United Brethren who have a missionary post in Egypt; their religious scruples against bearing arms; hardships they have suffered on this account since the independency of the Colonies; asks Franklin's influence on their behalf.
General physical description: L.S. 4p.
New York. Complaining of the conduct of the principal officers in the Custom house, in threatening an innocent man and showing protection to a lawless set of infamous smugglers; states the case in detail.
General physical description: A.L.S. 4p.
Paris. Writes for Messrs. de Gonault and Co. Who offer their services to purchase a supply of shirts for America. (In French.)
General physical description: A.L.S. 1p.