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Statement of Accounts with Benjamin Franklin, 1735-1737
Various figures from Experiments on Electricity.
Promissory note
Regarding Benjamin Franklin
Statement of Accounts with Benjamin Franklin.
Huntington, Samuel to Benjamin Franklin, 1787 May 5
Hancock, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1778 February 9
John Antes to Benjamin Franklin, 1779 July 10
Franklin s'oppose aux taxes en 1766.
Gardoqui y Arriquibar, Diego to Benjamin Franklin, 1787 May 30
Note from Princess Daschkow to Benjamin Franklin, January 30 [1781]
Bouvier, ----- to Benjamin Franklin, 1778 January 18
Benjamin Franklin, portrait, full-length, seated, by Phillibrown after Chappel.
Receipt to Jo[h]n Bringhurst for printing Mr. Estaugh's book, with statement of account of Elizabeth Estaugh and John Bringhurst