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(61 - 80 of 94)
Ma-Ga-Skan, White Swan (Yankton Sioux Chief, Dakota)
Pa-da-ni-ha-hi, Struck by the Ree (Head Chief of the Yankton Sioux, Dakota Territory)
To-Ka-O-No-Pa, The One Who Catches the Enemy (Yankton Sioux Brave, Dakota)
Samuel Smith (Cherokee Delegate, Cherokee Nation).
Pug-A-No-Ke-Shick, Hole in the Day (Head Chief of the Chippewas, Minnesota)
Wa-Mdi-Tan-Ka, The Great Eagle (Med-Wa-Kan-Ton Sioux Chief, Dakota)
Wak-Pi-Yu-Hdi-Na-Jin, The Standing Cloud (Man of the Re-Ga-Ta O-Tou-We Band (Santees), Dakota)
Pi-Ta-Ne-Sha-A-Du, Man-and-Chief (Principal Chief of the Pawnees, Nebraska)
Pe-A-Oh, Black-Tail Deer (Uta Chief, Colorado)
Hin-Han-Du-Ta, The Red Owl (Chief of the Mde-Wa-Kan-Ton Sioux, Dakota)
Ma-Ko-Kti-Nang-Ma-Ni, The Bear That Walks Lying Down (Yankton Sioux Brave, Dakota)
Tow-A-Hu-Ka-Sa-No-Pa, Two Lances (Yankton Sioux Chief, Upper Missouri, Dakota Territory)
Zi-Ka-Tan-To, Blue Bird (Wak-pe-ton Band (Santees), Dakota), Age 20 years
Kah-Kah-Tah-A-Ke-Ah, The Flying Bird (Two-Kettle Sioux Chief, Dakota)
Ti-Ro-Wot-Ka-To-Huk, The Conqueror (Grand Pawnee Chief, Nebraska)
To-Ki-Ya-Wi-Ka-Kte, He Kills First (Miniconjou Chief, Dakota)
Ne-Sha-Du-Si-Di-Te-Zi-Ka, The Chief Whom They Look Upon (Principal Chief of the Republican Pawnees, Nebraska)
La-Tang-Ka-Yang-Ke, The Running Bull (Yankton Sioux Warrior, Dakota)
He-Ka-Ka Nang-Zhe, The Standing Elk (Yankton Sioux Warrior, Dakota)
Se-Tan-Si-Tan, Yellow Hawk (Sans Arc Chief, Dakota)