Ogichidaag (Warriors) and Ogichidaakweg (Warrior women) who conducted Waabano, dream dance and other ceremonies in Pauingassi, Manitoba, Canada. Left to right - Back row: 1. Gichii Omoosonii (Chiip), 2. Niizhiishaan (James Bearhair) Owen, 3. Kiichiis (Alex) Pascal, 4. Miskwaadezi Oshkiishik (Moses) Owen, 5. Wechanimaash, (James) Owen (son of Naamiwan), 6. Aankus (Angus) Owen (eldest son of Naamiwan). Middle row: 1. Kaapech (2nd wife of Alex Owen), 2. Maanaadis (daughter of Naamiwan, married to William Pascal), 3. Waawaak (Gichi Omoosonii's 2nd wife), 4. Giichiimookoman (Alice) Owen (wife of Moses Owen), 5. Tekis (Margaret) Pascal, Alex Pascal's 2nd. wife, Maa'aanjoosh (Lillian) Owen (wife of James Owen), Miskwa'o (Red Bird) Owen, wife of Angus Owen). Bottom row: 1. Waanachense (Alex) Owen (father of Omishoosh (Charlie George) Owen, 2. Wisaakejaak (William) Pascal (father of Alex Pascal), Ahkaakochiis (Shawtail) Owen father of Charlie Moose Owen). Boy to the left is Ochiip (David) Owen born in 1927. Information thanks to Henry Neufeld 5/93.