Walton Hall, A.L.S. 1p. Friendly letter. Forwards autograph. News of relatives, and of his foot being being hurt while a tree bole was being moved.
General physical description: 9x7-1/4
ALS. 3p. Discusses visit to Philadelphia in April 1824, his portrait by C.W. Peale, his book Wanderings, and 2 expeditions to Africa. Mentions Sir Thomas Gage, Charles Butler, Lord Henry Bathurst, Sir Joseph Bank
General physical description: 9x7 1/2
Philadelphia, A.L.S. 4p.,end. (see Ord-Waterton correspondence.) Formerly B Or2.1. Describes his ageing self. Story of John Brown. Free Negroes in Philadelphia. Mesmerism in vogue and proffered experiments by members of the APS.
General physical description: 10-3/4x8
Philadelphia, A.L.S.with initials. 4p.,end. (see Ord-Waterton correspondence) Formerly B Or2.1. Turner on cuckoos, and Ord's ideas on the subject. Italian politics and Lincoln in the White House.
General physical description: 11-1/4x9-1/2