Black-and-white photograph of vegetation rising out of water, forming a mirror image.; Speck Papers, Subcollection I, Series I, Folder II(2A1b), Double Curve Motif -- b. "The Double-Curve Motive in Northeastern Algonkian Art" by F.G. Speck. Subfolder "Removed from Fig. 11"
Black-and-white glass lantern slide of a group of Montagnais-Naskapi group standing around a hunted bear.; Slide located in section labelled 'Montagnais-Naskapi'
Hand-colored glass lantern slide of a boy standing in front of a store in Loretteville, Quebec, Canada.; Slide located in section labelled 'Iroquois'; 13:2-3-c
Hand-colored glass lantern slide of a mother carrying her child on her back standing on a porch and a man sitting in the background.; Slide located in section labelled 'Cherokee'; 13:1-5-k
One-page typescript consisting of two lines of Hupa text, followed by explanation and analysis of each word or lexical unit. Author not identified, though it is likely not Speck, as he did not study Hupa or other Dene languages, nor did he specialize in linguistic analysis. Source is likely Edward Sapir or Pliny Earle Goddard.
Black-and-white glass lantern slide of a Montagnais-Naskapi man on a sled pulled by a team of dogs.; Slide located in section labelled 'Montagnais-Naskapi'
Black-and-white glass lantern slide of a Montagnais-Naskapi boy wearing a fur coat standing next to a goat.; Slide located in section labelled 'Montagnais-Naskapi'