
Hehey'a kachin tawi
Hehey'a kachin tawi
A kachina song named for one of the older masked figures.
Hehey'a kachin tawi: Translation and commentary
Hehey'a kachin tawi: Translation and commentary
A kachina song name for one of the older masked figures.
Heveyveta' tawi
Heveyveta' tawi
Water-sprinkling song. A game song performed by boys and girls.
Heveyveta' tawi: Translation and commentary
Heveyveta' tawi: Translation and commentary
Water-sprinkling song. A game song performed by boys and girls.
Holi tawi
Holi tawi
Clown song.
Höktawi (Harvest Song)
Höktawi (Harvest Song)
"Harvest song. Learned from grandfather." Contains words from San Felipe dialect, Eastern Keres language.
Koyemsi, holitawi
Koyemsi, holitawi
Clown song.
Makkachintawi (hunting song)
Makkachintawi (hunting song)
"This is a special song for hunting. Men go out at night to hunt; the dance occurs four days later. Girls and boys engage in courtship behavior during the dance."
Mosayurtawi (Buffalo dance with English words)
Mosayurtawi (Buffalo dance with English words)
"Buffalo dance with English words. This song was made up by the informant and other Indians attending the Indian school in Albuquerque, in 1930. The melody is that of the traditional Hopi Buffalo dance. English words plus Hopi vocables are added."
Mosayurtawi (buffalo dance song)
Mosayurtawi (buffalo dance song)
"This is a social dance song performed in January before the Bean Ceremony (powamuya). "Translation of buffalo dance song: 'through the watermelon patch comes rain / they make melons grow / comes rain through the corn / let the water sine after it falls' (this is said to the clouds)"
Mosayus tawi
Mosayus tawi
Buffalo dance song.