
Discussion of clown songs and clown society
Discussion of clown songs and clown society
"The session led off with a general discussion of clown songs and the now extinct clown society. Since the informant was a noted clown in his earlier years, he was able to comment on the nature of the texts of these songs and the way in which the songs were composed."
Discussion of the Soyalangw ceremony
Discussion of the Soyalangw ceremony
"This takes place during the early winter and involves the making of special prayer feathers which are distributed to the people of the villages as a symbol of good tidings, and a successful and long life. The recipients take the feathers to the numerous Hopi shrines where they pray to the deities. "The feathers are made by members of the soyal society (soyalowmka). Eagle, road-runner, and turkey are used."
Hehe'a kachina song
Hehe'a kachina song
"This song used also as a harvesting song."