Interview with Seneca artist Ernest Smith regarding his paintings held at the Rochester Museum. The paintings are referred to by their Museum catalog numbers., [571] Unidentified -- [517] Unidentified -- [718] Unidentified -- [611] Unidentified -- [722] Unidentified -- [713] The Dance of the False Faces -- [637] Unidentified -- [1014] Unidentified -- [721] Unidentified -- [724] Spirit of Thunder -- [710] Unidentified
Interview with Seneca artist Ernest Smith regarding his paintings held at the Rochester Museum. The paintings are referred to by their Museum catalog numbers., [?] Beginnings of the False Face Society -- [1086] Unidentified -- [955] Unidentified -- [742] Unidentified -- [732] Unidentified -- [710] Unidentified -- [1020] Unidentified -- [1019] Picking Blackberries -- [1002] Gathering Artichokes -- [1003] Gathering Mushrooms -- [1001] Processing Deer Meat -- [1021] Making Hickory Nut Oil -- [1061] Method of Making Bowls -- [687] Portrait of Chief Harrison Brown
Interview with Seneca artist Ernest Smith regarding his paintings held at the Rochester Museum. The paintings are referred to by their Museum catalog numbers., [1079] The Pipe Carver -- [950] The Story of the Hunter -- [1000] Capturing the Eagle -- [1062] Unidentified -- [717] Making Pottery -- [685] Unidentified -- [621] Heating Water -- [1022] Unidentified -- [?] Portrait of Jesse Hill -- [688] Portrait of William Gordon -- [741] Unidentified -- [744] Unidentified -- [736] The Woman With the Cradleboard -- [735] The Flute Player -- [740] Processing Corn For Soup -- [697] Unidentified -- [1131] The Fisherman -- [1104] Roasting Corn -- [966] Giving Thanks to the Maker, This item has been identified as potentially culturally sensitive. Reproduction and remote access is restricted. Please contact the Curator of Native American Materials for more information.
Interview with Seneca artist Ernest Smith regarding his paintings held at the Rochester Museum. The paintings are referred to by their Museum catalog numbers., [615] Unidentified -- [1063] Stone Giantess -- [635] Unidentified -- [645] Unidentified -- [651] Unidentified -- [634] Unidentified -- [731] Unidentified -- [580] Unidentified -- [1011] Unidentified -- [545] Unidentified -- [497] Unidentified -- [712] Unidentified, This item has been identified as potentially culturally sensitive. Reproduction and remote access is restricted. Please contact the Curator of Native American Materials for more information.