
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 Jan. 10
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 Jan. 10
Has been very sick for weeks as has wife and two boys. Will be able to go to Rivers Inlet soon where he expects to be able to get red cedar bark he's never heard of before. Bought some hamsewe and will get stories for it soon. Tells of recent incident with Harlan Smith where he Hunt had his sisters offer him free lodging. Smith had casts taken of Indians. Smith left all his traps with Hunt's sister. Mrs. Smith put something against Hunt's sister in a Victoria newspaper. "Indians said that they will never let Mr. Smith come to Fort Rupert again to [steal] their graves." Smith borrowed David's boat but returned it with keel worn down. Hemasaka went to Victoria where he heard a speech about Boas's comments about the Kwagu'ł. Hunt was called into a feast and told in front of everyone that "they don't want you or me to see the dance of any kind again." Mr. Spencer against Hunt and Boas. "The only thing I am wishing for is for my life be spared." Will not work for Mr. Spencer this year. Sending 25 pages of stories. Working on oldest man's recollection of how many generations of eldest sons and daughters he can recall, going back 17 generations.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 July 23
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 July 23
Sending 16 pages on dances at Fort Rupert in 1894. Will send songs on next mail. Working in cannery. Writing is slow-going because he wants to be sure to get everything right. Went to G̱usgimukw to see winter dances. Can write about it.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 July 4
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 July 4
Has sent collection for this year, including bow and arrow used by sea otter hunters. Will send stories about items in collection. Has not yet sent house post of yegEntEk of Gumkanu house as they haven't taken it down yet. Starting to write story from Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ . Working in Alert Bay. Wife in Fort Ruoert. Son up in River Inlet. Discusses use of stone for making paddles.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 Sept. 26
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899 Sept. 26
Received letter of September 13. Sending bill for activities in June. Disagrees with Boas's concern of being over-charged. Explains details and reasoning for costs. Refers to Gumkanis yegEtEk gigis #169 from Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa andother house post andneedto persuade or force people to pull down house. Tells of man (who would not give his name) who came to Alert Bay recently buying specimens and claiming that Boas wouldn't be sent out anymore. Heard that Newcombe and Dorsey are coming out to Alert Bay and Nahwitti as well collecting specimens and Hemasilakw said that Dorsey will pay $10 for Hamatsa mask and neck ring. A Mr. Hall from England has also been by recently collecting. Discusses red cedar bark masks. Promises good collection can be obtained from G̱usgimukw. Man who sold stone head said he wanted it back and a better price. Man found it near 'Na̱mǥis lake and said there's another like it at a Da̱'naxda'xw̱ village that is available to buy. Writing now about Tsekami, father of Tisamgut. Wife is very sick with dysentery and brother sick also. Asks Boas to send dysentery medicine like that given by Dr. Hillmantle when in Chicago.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Apr. 28
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Apr. 28
Received both check and letter of April 10. Got out of trouble but it cost $400 and great hassle. "The mission tried hard to get me into this trouble." Agrees to Boas's proposed summer plan. Explains work in cannery this summer and Mr. Spencer's helpfulness.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Jan. 9
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Jan. 9
Received letter of December 22. Sending final 80 pages of Tsekamis story and 15 pages of Gopinux tribe story of Galaxalisama and his masks. Regarding request to record information on medicine such as those for killing, states that these will be very difficult to obtain as this is "the greatest secret of all." Bought two photographs of Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ chief Tsekami, who belongs to Tisamgit family. In one photo, he and his wife are sitting on pole where a kulus or thunderbird landed. Another with sisayuL canoe. Hunt gives detailed description of both photos and importance of what they depict and connection to story sent. Asked around about kite of Nootka Indians, but no one had heard of such a thing. A man came by selling gramophones costing $25 for one with 5 cylinders included. Hunt's wife asks if Boas can procure one, which they will pay him for. Hunt suggests the device could be used to record speeches or songs.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Mar. 15
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Mar. 15
Was arrested by authorities in Alert Bay for going to see a Ławitʼsis winter dance with hamatsa dance. Now at home, has a lawyer, but needs more witnesses and money. Asks if any payments are due to him.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Mar. 27
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Mar. 27
Received letter of February 24. Discusses in more detailed Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ photo mentioned in January 9 letter. Was arrested for going to see a hamatsa dance at Kalugwis. Blames missionaries for getting him in trouble. Was tried three times in Alert Bay, then sent to be tried in Vancouver. Mr. Spencer got him a lawyer. Bail was $500. Trial on April 17. Has to pay expenses for trip and that of witnesses. (Page 2 missing.)
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Oct. 10
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900 Oct. 10
Received letter of September 12 and two shawls sent as gifts. Has been to G̱usgimukw and gathered a collection from caves and graves with local help. Will be sending it soon. Went digging in bank of xwEtes village and found pieces of fighting stones. Also went to five graves and took out seven skulls. A local man helped but is charging too much for them, $2 per skull. To construct cases for sending collections, the price of lumber was high and nails difficult to obtain. Has not been to Gwatʼsinuxw̱ village yet, but will try to go.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Apr. 12
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Apr. 12
Wrote Kawadelekala story of Dzawada̱ʼenuxw . Bought some masks that belong to that story. Sending them and some that belong to Nalanokomgelakw story. Visited caves but found little of interest. Heading to Knight Inlet tomorrow to visit other caves.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Apr. 28
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Apr. 28
Just came from Dzawadi to find old caves. Only found a few bracelets, a seal dish, and piece of hyga shell. Wants to find another cave. Want to go to Whalers shrine, worried that Newcombe will beat them to it.
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Aug. 12
Hunt, George: To Boas. 1901 Aug. 12
Went to HegEms caves and found masks. At Nawka inlet found two dishes, two Hamsewe. There were 5 caves there. Went to Gwa'yi, found two caves, copper neck rings and knee rings, "and old Hiding Place for child Kats!Ekw". Went to NEges lake, found cave with DEnts!okw, copper, brass bracelets, carved coffin. Asks about access to cave near 'Na̱mǥis Lake. Asks about sending human bones found at NEges lake and at XEkwekEn (Thompson Sound?) where he found another cave. Sending photographs.