Children who have come down with measles, some have died from it. Expecting trouble from missionary trying to found out what H did at the Chicago Fair, showing "some dance against the Law." Relates travel difficulties and expenses. Does not have time yet to get Da̱'naxda'xw̱ history. Asks if promised work will be available.
Will try to get winter dance information. Went to 'Nak'waxda'xw "to get the nuyam where the Raven was painted black", and to Dzawadi to get history of GamatelaL. "Am riting the Indian ways of speaking just to sho you that there got so many ways of speaking." Asks how to send "the Box of LagaL."
Son is very sick. Youngest brother, Robert, drowned. Could not work on writing because of this. Will work on writing down all the songs of Cakannala of Fort Rupert.
Went to G̱usgimukw to find out about winter dance. "Oh Mr. Boas what I have seen over there I will never see again for all the Dances was shown in the really old ways." Gives details. Will copy out account of it all from notes. Has sent 220 pages since last saw Boas. Will make up bill. Includes 24 pages on omaxdalalE and his songs, and "a letter with 6 pages to answer your questions that I send last month." "I copy some of your notes from the Dance of 1894 while you was here." Sending 15 pages of copy with this letter.
"You are the only help I got in this world." Sending 20 pages of the last winter dance in Fort Rupert in 1894. Will try to get more info on Kwagu'ł "old things". Is using Mr. Spencer to buy items of interest. Went to G̱usgimukw to get the secret song of Tokwet and other songs. Asks about photograph.
Sending 15 pages of copy about dances of 1894. Has written down different ways of speaking among Kwagu'ł and G̱usgimukw. Asks if Boas wants this info, more histories, etc.
Has been very sick recently. Tried to write Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ story. Sending 22 pages of Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ and Lesalagela story. Will go to Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa soon to get house post and to G̱usgimukw to get dishes. Will write history of masks bought last summer at Fort Rupert.