- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 July 16
- From Boas's secretary. Received pieces of mat sent.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 July 7
- From Boas's secretary. Received pages 3633-3702.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 June 11
- Heading out on trip to west, stopping in Portland. Wonders if it is possible spend a few weeks together in August.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 May 10
- Received letter of May 5 with conclusion of the assemblying and information on blankets and mats.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 May 18
- Asks for information on why it is thought that a man who has met a being that makes him a shaman becomes excited and must be calmed. Plans now more likely that he may be able to meet Hunt in August.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 May 6
- Received pages 3579-3618. Glad to have this fuller information on winter ceremonial.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 Nov. 1
- Received vocabulary. Has not been able to write recently. Enjoyed spending time together. Glad to have stories recently sent.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1927 Nov. 21
- Sending 100 cards of Kwak'wala dictionary. Asks Hunt to check certain details of spelling. Asks how long working on the cards take. Needs to calculate payment for this work.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1928 Apr. 2
- Hopes to soon receive material on dog salmon and answers to questions.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1928 Dec. 10
- Received pages 4327-4357. Will return to writing about teaching of girl after other urgent matters done first. Asks how first berries, salmon, and olachen are treated. Asks for answer to question regarding whether prayers or words are used in preparation of medicine.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1928 Dec. 24
- Sent check. "I hope that we may continue to work together until we both die." Received pages 4358-4368. Glad to hear that people do not understand the meaning of the names, mentioned in November 21 letter. Still does not understand some word endings. Will explain further soon.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1928 Feb. 23
- Trying to find out what happened in 1848 when a British Man-of-War destroyed the village of Newettee. Would like to hear Indian version of story.