Anxious to receive a letter and answers to pending questions. Talk about them both getting older. Asks for more information about the Lekwiltok, such as stories, info on winter dances, and differences in comparison to the Kwaguʼł. Asks for information on children's game from Fort Rupert.
Received pages 3258-3275 about horse clams. Wishes that Hunt had more time for writing as they are both getting old. Asks what becomes of bax'une after death. Will send more words that are unclear. Asks Hunt to use single page numbering system from now on, starting from 3275. Asks if Odzestalis could give a full account of Bella Bella marriage procedure that they were unable to get in full.
"I am trying nowadays all the time to see how I can express anything I want to say in Kwakiutl and I sometimes stumble over very simple things." Encloses questions and words from Hunt's writing about which he is unclear.
Received letter of November 21 and pages 3468-3482. Received 3444- 3467 earlier. Enclosed sheet has different names from different accounts of first assembling of winter cermonial. Encloses speeches from story of winter dance from 1895. "Will you do me the favor to tell me how I must put it so that it does not look as though the reports did not agree." Cannot find any information in the winter dance descriptions about the Hawinalal.
Received pages 3383-3413. Reminds Hunt of pending questions unanswered; cedar bark patterns, names of spruce root hat patterns, names of winter dance offers of different roles and the inheritance of these names, children's games, ceremonies for hamst!eq cutting down, difference between "life" and "soul" and what happens to them after death. New question regarding whether there are any incidences of suicide.
Has not received a letter for a while. Anxious for answers to questions regarding prayers and the nontlem of the Nahwitti and if it differs from regular winter dances. Small possibility that he will be in Victoria in August.
Asks for examples of ordinary conversations, such as between husband and wife or on everyday occurrences. Asks about rules of conduct for kinds of respect to be shown to various relatives, such as a young man being shy in talking to mother-in-law.
Received last two letters and pages sent. Asks again about names for patterns on red cedar bark mats. Does not understand difference between nontlem and tsaeeqa. Asks for clarification. Asks for more information on the "feasts and presents among the women" and parts played by women in amassing fortunes for husbands. Asks if there is a specific physical position in which prayers are done. Asks if Heiltsuk word "qautexa," meaning to put on a blanket, is used in that meaning at Fort Rupert.