Received rewritten stories, pages 2895-2909. Asks for detailed information on "what we might call the religion of the Kwakiutl in olden times," such as prayers to the Sun, ideas related to the Moon or the Pleiades, animals or spirits. Also asks for information on a particular dance. Discusses payments.
Asking Newcombe to send map. Hopes for assistance on passages in "Rivers Inlet language," probably Wuikinuxv. "They are in a book which I did not have with in Bella Bella." Wonders if Odzestales can help translate them. Hopes to be able to send more money soon.
Asks what Hunt means in referring to "thumb book." Would like more information on Eagles, such as who they are now, how they inherited the role. Advises that Bella Bella any stories from Odzestales should be written in English, not Kwak'wala.
Received letter of May 31 and material sent with it. Asks if Hunt has had the time to put down the places where ancestors came down on the maps that Dr. Newcombe recently sent. Asks Hunt to estimate a fair rate for correcting vocabulary pages they are currently working on.
Sending another batch of slips of the vocabulary. Notes importance of distinguishing between similarly spelled endings. Next batch will be simple words beginning with Y (underline).