- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Mar. 21
- Pages 1955-1968 arrived. "They looked as though they had been in the water somehwere." Also received pages 2065-2067.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Mar. 30
- Received letter of March 22. Missing pages have arrived; seeds have not. Advises that it is okay if information from different people disagress. Wishes to document these difference, while knowing what is considered correct by the owner. Mentions Q!aneqelak story given by Q!alaide of Nahwitti.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Mar. 7
- Sending notes abstracted from tales explaining ideas of the Kwaguʼł as they appear there. Asks for description "the general ideas of the Kwaguʼł regard to the whole world and to supernatural beings." Gives examples of possible details.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 May 4
- Received pgs. 2122-2140, 'Nak'waxda'x̱w story. Recevied photo of Hunt and son, and happy to see it.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Nov. 14
- Sends a letter from Newcombe with more info about the copper.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Oct. 27
- Enclosing sketch of a copper from a museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts said to have been bought by Kwagu'ł from the Tsimshian. Asks for any information about it.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1921 Sept. 8
- Just returned from Europe. Received stories. Asks for continuation of information on people's ideas about the world, such as sun and moon.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1922 Dec. 23
- Received letter of December 15, pages, and seeds.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1922 Jan. 18
- Received pages sent. Hoping to come visit next summer. Wonders if Hunt can come to Victoria with another knowledgeable person. Will not have time to go to Fort Rupert. Asks for likely travel costs.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1922 July 19
- Received letter of July 12. Gives plans of arrangements to be in Victoria in August. Suggests how to meet each other when there. Hopes that Maled can come down as well.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1922 July 31
- Resending and confirming plans for coming to Victoria in August.
- Hunt, George: From Boas. 1922 June 16
- Letter from secretary, acknowledging receipt of letter of June 7. Boas in California.