
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 19
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 19
Received reply to letter regarding maps. Would like a fuller statement of what happened.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 20
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 20
Received letter of August 5. Sorry to hear of David's losses in his family. Glad to receive full details on accounts. Lists details of all pages received since March 29 and payments sent.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 30
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 30
Received letter of August 16. Discusses payments.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 6
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Aug. 6
Discusses payments from Washington for various work done recently.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 11
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 11
Asking about Hunt's health. Discussing payment rates and page numbering. Hoping that Hunt can work more rapidly in the winter.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 16
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 16
Sending lists of words from dictionary for review and correction. Wants to identify simplest form of words. Gives examples. Final page missing., Missing page.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 20
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 20
Enclosing word list of Kwak'wala words that appear in Hunt's writing that Boas does not know the meaning of., Enclosed word list.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 30
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Dec. 30
Received 1167-1221 and map of Nimpkish Lake, but not the names that go with the lake. Asking about name sheet for Gwatʼsinux̱w Inlet and Knight Inlet.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 16
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 16
Sending Dawson's map of northern Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Sound and sheet of place names. Asks for correct spelling and correction of local names.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 25
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 25
Sending list of words beginning dz, ts, and ts, and others with these sounds in middle of the word. Asks for Hunt to review them for correct spelling. Also asks about -a and -id endings.
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 5
Hunt, George: From Boas. 1918 Feb. 5
Resending letter with questions about beliefs about the soul. Sending list of sentences for review and correction. Asks for consistency in writing of certain sounds. Asks Hunt to go to mouth of ʼNa̱mǥis River and make sketch of places where different houses stood in Xulkw. Describes more plants for which he would like specimens.