The APS Digital Library provides access to a wide variety of digitized items from the holdings of the American Philosophical Society. Browse documents in the Digital Library by format on the Collections page, or find specific items using the search bar to the upper right.

Explore the full breadth of APS holdings, both digitized and undigitized, with additional context by using our Collections Search and viewing manuscript finding aids.

Investigating Indentured Servitude: Visualizing Experiences of Colonial America

Contained within over 5,000 indenture contracts registered between 1771 and 1773 are a wealth of information about working people and immigrants who came to Philadelphia in the lead-up to the American Revolution. An exhibit based on this data, which was released as part of the Society's Open Data Initiative, uses interactive visualizations to examine indentured servitude in Colonial British North America through three themes: distance, gender, and time. Included alongside them are personal stories of individuals who entered into contracts in the record to work as servants and apprentices. See the exhibit here.

Investigating Indentured Servitude: Visualizing Experiences of Colonial America

Open Historic Data: Beyond Digitization

The APS Library has an active Open Data Initiative. Under this initiative, we (1) identify content in the APS Library that is conducive to being reconfigured as a dataset; (2) encourage the use and reuse of the data by opening the data to all, and by easing access to the data.These datasets we create are available for anyone to evaluate, share, reuse, and remix as they wish under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. They are ideal resources for use in college classrooms and digital humanities projects like mapping and text analysis to reveal new insights. Learn more about our Open Data Initiative.

Open Historic Data at the APS Library

Come Work With Us: Partners, Fellows, Interns

We partner with scholars, institutions and students to further the APS Library’s mission to promote the use of our collections. We offer two Digital Humanities Fellowships a year, open to scholars using the APS collections in new and engaging ways, and two Digital Library Interns, open to students and new graduates interested in digital librarianship and digital scholarship. Learn more about working with us.

The APS Library works with scholars, institutions and students to promote the use of our material in digital format.