About this Project

From its inception to creation many individuals contributed to the success of this project. Elizabeth R. Moran donated the deeds and documents of the Brushwood and Bryn Clovis farms to the American Philosophical Society in 2014, while Brooks Adams contributed current photographs of the property. Beth Lander of the Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians generously offered permission for the use of images. Many staff members of the APS offered assistance with this project, including Patrick Spero, Librarian; and Anne Downey and Renée Wolcott of the APS Conservation department.
This project was written and edited by Alexandra L. Montgomery and Dr. Amanda Charland. Alexandra is a PhD Candidate at the University of Pennsylvania and 2017-2018 Marguerite Bartlett Hamer Dissertation Fellow at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies. Her work with the Brushwood project reflects her larger interests in the importance of land, local history, and the use of land records as rich sources for social and cultural history.
Amanda Charland is an Archaeologist. She holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow and is the co-founder of Love Archaeology, a social media group that seeks to disseminate heritage-related news to a wider audience.
This project was managed and edited by David J. Gary. David is the Curator of Printed Materials at the Library of the American Philosophical Society where he is responsible for building, promoting, and making accessible the society's collections of books, pamphlets, maps, prints, and broadsides.
This digital gallery was designed and built by Bayard L. Miller and Scott Ziegler for the Center for Digital Scholarship at the American Philosophical Society.