Access the Database
To perform a general search, use the keyword search below.
For an advanced search, start your query from one of the tables below.
Keyword search
All Transactions
The "all_transactions" table provides a complete record of the six ledgers included in the database. Most general queries should begin here.
37,068 rows
Goods and Services
The Goods and Services table lists all of the broad controlled descriptions used to describe goods and services exchanged in the database. Use this table to search for specific types of items or services that were sold.
27 rows
The People table provides a way to search for individuals associated with transactions in the database. Based on the work of Leo Lemay, the Lemay IDs assign a unique identifier to each person. Click on a person's ID in the table to view all their transactions.
Note that while care has been taken to disambiguate names as much as possible, it is possible that one ID covers multiple individuals or that two separate IDs refer to the same individual.
Many rows
Postal Locations
The Postal Locations table allows the user to find all postal transactions from one location.
17 rows