Franklins' Philadelphia Ledgers Project

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1 TNinLAB-1 1730-07-04 Robert Nevett N0023 Robert Nevett     Dr To an Acct Book 4 qr Blanks and Print Jobs Account Book   11   0.11.0       M B Ledger A 9  
2 TNinLAB-2 1730-07-04 Nicholas Scull S0076 Nicholas Scull     Dr 200 Bail Bonds Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds   16 8 0.16.8       M B Ledger A 9  
3 TNinLAB-3 1730-07-04 John Beard B0090 Mr Beard     Memo Bought of Mr Beard 46 Ream of Paper at 12 [Shilling] er Ream amo to £27.12.9 of which I have paid him in Part £ 14.0.0 Paper Unspecified 14     14.0.0       M B Ledger A 9  
4 TNinLAB-4 1730-07-08 John Beard B0090 Mr Beard     Memo Paid Mr Beard more £6.12.0 Account Management Paid 6 12   6.12.0       M B Ledger A 9  
5 TNinLAB-5 1730-07-09 John Beard B0090 Mr Beard     Memo Paid Mr Beard more £2.0.0 and have given him a Note of Hand for £4.10.0 and am to pay 10 [Shillings] to Campion which will be in Full Account Management Paid 2     2.0.0       M B Ledger A 9  
6 TNinLAB-6 1730-07-09 Andrew Hamilton Esqr H0030 Andr Hamilton Esqr     Dr 100 Bonds of good Behaviour and 100 Certificates Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds of Good Behavior 1 10   1.10.0       M B Ledger A 9  
7 TNinLAB-6 1730-07-09 Andrew Hamilton Esqr H0030 Andr Hamilton Esqr     Dr   Blanks and Print Jobs Certificates               M B Ledger A 9  
8 TNinLAB-7 1730-07-09 White & Taylor W0127 Messrs White & Taylor     Dr Bond & Judgment Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds & Judgments     6 0.0.6       M B Ledger A 9  
9 TNinLAB-8 1730-07-11 William Davis D0032 William Davis     Dr 4 Qur Paper @ 14d per Paper Unspecified   4 8 0.4.8       M B Ledger A 9  
10 TNinLAB-9 1730-07-11 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bustill Esqr     Dr An Advt 60 N Advertisement     5 0 0.5.0     60 M B Ledger A 9  
11 TNinLAB-10 1730-07-11 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bustill Esqr     Dr printing 500 Adm' Bonds a 1d per Job Printing 2 1 8 2.1.8       M B Ledger A 9  
12 TNinLAB-10 1730-07-11 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bustill Esqr     Dr   Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds               M B Ledger A 9  
13 TNinLAB-11 1730-07-11 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bustill Esqr     Dr 10 Qur & 10 Sheets Pap @ 14d per Quire Paper Unspecified   11 6 0.11.6       M B Ledger A 9  
14 TNinLAB-12 1730-07-11 David Harry H0099 David Harry     Memo Receiv'd of David Harry a Note of his Hand payable in Six Months, being in full of what he owed me. Account Management Note               M B Ledger A 9  
15 TNinLAB-13 1730-07-13 Mr Joseph Grey G0125 Joseph Grey     Memo Paid me in full Account Management Paid 0 8 0 0.8.0       M B Ledger A 9  
16 TNinLAB-14 1730-07-13 William Maugridge M0108 Wm Mogridge     Dr a Testament Bible Testament   2 6 0.2.6       M B Ledger A 9  
17 TNinLAB-15 1730-07-14 Ralph Asheton Esqr A0136 Ralph Asheton Esqr     Dr 38 Licences Blanks and Print Jobs Licenses   5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 9  
18 TNinLAB-16 1730-07-15 Andrew Hamilton Esqr H0030 Andrew Hamilton Esqr     Dr 1/2 Doz Powers of Attorney Blanks and Print Jobs Power of Attorney   1 3 0.1.3       M B Ledger A 10  
19 TNinLAB-17 1730-07-15 Sarah Read (Neighbor) R0052 Widow Read     Dr 1 Quire Paper Paper Unspecified   1 2 0.1.2       F B Ledger A 10  
20 TNinLAB-18 1730-07-17 John Jones (Shoemaker) J0101 John Jones   Shoemaker Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 10  
21 TNinLAB-19 1730-07-17 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 1 Qur [Outsides] Paper Outside     6 0.0.6       M B Ledger A 10  
22 TNinLAB-20 1730-07-18 Owen Humphries H0365 Owen Humphries     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 10  
23 TNinLAB-21 1730-07-18 John Jones (Barber) J0100 John Jones   Barber Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 10  
24 TNinLAB-22 1730-07-20 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 1/2 Ream Writ Outsides Paper Outside   5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 10  
25 TNinLAB-23 1730-07-20 Sarah Flower F0103 Sarah Flower     Dr 1 Doz Primers Books and Pamphlets Primers   5   0.5.0       F B Ledger A 10  
26 TNinLAB-24 1730-07-22 Nicholas Scull S0076 Nicholas Scull     Dr 1/2 Doz Bonds Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds   1 6 0.1.6       M B Ledger A 10  
27 TNinLAB-25 1730-07-22 William Morgan M0143 Wm Morgan     Dr 1/2 Qur Paper Paper Unspecified     7 0.0.7       M B Ledger A 10  
28 TNinLAB-26 1730-07-22 William Morgan M0143 Wm Morgan     Dr 2 Pamphlets Books and Pamphlets Pamphlet     6 0.0.6       M B Ledger A 10  
29 TNinLAB-27 1730-07-24 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Memo The adjusted Acct with Wm Davis and I am Dr to Balance Account Management Account Adjustment 3 3 3 3.3.3       M B Ledger A 10  
30 TNinLAB-28 1730-07-24 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr Ream Paper Paper Unspecified   16   0.16.0       M B Ledger A 10  
31 TNinLAB-29 1730-07-24 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr Ream Do {Paper} Paper Unspecified   16   0.16.0       M B Ledger A 10  
32 TNinLAB-30 1730-07-24 John Beard B0090 Mr Beard     Memo Paid the Note of Hand for 4.10.0 given to Mr Beard the 9th Inst Account Management Paid               M B Ledger A 10  
33 TNinLAB-31 1730-07-24 James Brendly B0316 James Brendly     Cr by Cash Cash     13 3 0.13.3       M B Ledger A 10  
34 TNinLAB-32 1730-07-24 Mr John Pigott P0181 Mr Pigot of Nottingham   Dr Sundries which he is to pay March next Miscellaneous   2 17 6 2.17.6       M B Ledger A 10  
35 TNinLAB-33 1730-07-25 Mortis Trent T0096 Mortis Trent of Trentown   Cr by Cash Cash   2 10   2.10.0       M B Ledger A 10  
36 TNinLAB-34 1730-07-25 Isaac Walker W0010 Isaac Walker     Cr by Cash Cash     4 6 0.4.6       M B Ledger A 10  
37 TNinLAB-35 1730-07-29 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr to Cash Cash     10   0.10.0       M B Ledger A 10  
38 TNinLAB-36 1730-07-29 Mr Rice R0102 Rice   Tobacconist Dr to printing 1/2 Ream Toba Paper Job Printing   5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 10  
39 TNinLAB-36 1730-07-29 Mr Rice R0102 Rice   Tobacconist Dr   Paper Tobacco               M B Ledger A 10  
40 TNinLAB-37 1730-07-29 Mr Rice R0102 Rice   Tobacconist Cr by Cash Cash     5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 10  
41 TNinLAB-38 1730-07-29 Capt John Spence S0259 Jno Spence     Dr to print 16 qur Tob Pap Job Printing   8   0.8.0       M B Ledger A 10  
42 TNinLAB-38 1730-07-29 Capt John Spence S0259 Jno Spence     Dr   Paper Tobacco               M B Ledger A 10  
43 TNinLAB-39 1730-07-29 John Jarman J0028 Jno Jerman     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 10  
44 TNinLAB-40 1730-08-10 Evan Morgan (Shopkeeper) M0297 Evan Morgan   Shopkeeper Dr 1/2 Doz Bonds Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds   1 6 0.1.6       M B Ledger A 10  
45 TNinLAB-41 1730-08-10 Evan Morgan (Shopkeeper) M0297 Evan Morgan   Shopkeeper Dr 1/2 Doz Bonds & Judgt Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds & Judgments   2 6 0.2.6       M B Ledger A 10  
46 TNinLAB-42 1730-08-10 Samuel Smith S0207 Saml Smith     Dr to Cash Cash   2 10   2.10.0       M B Ledger A 10  
47 TNinLAB-43 1730-08-11 William Morgan M0143 Wm Morgan     Dr 1/2 Quire Paper Paper Unspecified     8 0.0.8       M B Ledger A 11  
48 TNinLAB-44 1730-08-11 John Jarman J0028 John Jerman     Cr 1 Doz of Almanacks for the Year 1730 Almanack     3 6 0.3.6       M B Ledger A 11  
49 TNinLAB-45 1730-08-11 John Jarman J0028 John Jerman     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 11  
50 TNinLAB-46 1730-08-11 John Jarman J0028 John Jerman     Dr 1 Qur Paper Paper Unspecified   1 2 0.1.2       M B Ledger A 11  
51 TNinLAB-47 1730-08-11 John Jarman J0028 John Jerman     Dr 1 Pamphlet on 7d Sab[th] Books and Pamphlets Pamphlet     2 0.0.2       M B Ledger A 11  
52 TNinLAB-48 1730-08-11 James Lipscomb L0167 James Lipscomb     Dr 1 Qur Paper Paper Unspecified   8 2 0.8.2       M B Ledger A 11  
53 TNinLAB-49 1730-08-13 John Baker B0013 John Baker     Cr by Cash Cash     5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 11  
54 TNinLAB-50 1730-08-15 John Dexter D0110 John Dexter     Dr an Advt Advertisement     5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 11  
55 TNinLAB-51 1730-08-15 Jonathan Fisher F0068 John Fisher     Dr a Power of Att Blanks and Print Jobs Power of Attorney     3 0.0.3       M B Ledger A 11  
56 TNinLAB-52 1730-08-15 William Morgan M0143 Wm Morgan     Dr Quire Paper Paper Unspecified   1 2 0.1.2       M B Ledger A 11  
57 TNinLAB-53 1730-08-22 William Maugridge M0108 Wm Morgridge     Dr 2 Bills Lading Blanks and Print Jobs Bills of Lading     2 0.0.2       M B Ledger A 11  
58 TNinLAB-54 1730-08-22 Stephen Potts P0205 Steph Potts     Dr Cash Cash     9 8 0.9.8       M B Ledger A 11  
59 TNinLAB-55 1730-08-22 Mr Dunning D0206 Mr Dunning     Cr on Mr Whitemarsh's Act Account Management Transfer   5 7.5 0.5.7 1/2       M B Ledger A 11  
60 TNinLAB-56 1730-08-25 Thomas Whitemarsh W0138 Mr Whitemarsh     Memo Paid Mr Whitemarsh since we reckon'd in April last Account Management Paid 8 15 1.5 8.15.1 1/2       M B Ledger A 11  
61 TNinLAB-57 1730-08-25 Francis Sherrard S0109 Francis Sherrard     Dr 1 Qur Paper Paper Unspecified   1 2 0.1.2       M B Ledger A 11  
62 TNinLAB-58 1730-08-25 John Tyler T0124 Jno Tyler     Dr to Cash Lent Cash   1 15   1.15.0       M B Ledger A 11  
63 TNinLAB-59 1730-08-25 Mr John Pigott P0181 Mr Pigot Nottingham   Dr 1 Doz Books Books and Pamphlets Unspecified 1     1.0.0       M B Ledger A 11  
64 TNinLAB-60 1730-09-01 Willam Bickley B0162 Wm B[i]ckley     Dr 1 oz Wafers Printing and Writing Equipment Wafer     6 0.0.6       M B Ledger A 11  
65 TNinLAB-61 1730-09-01 Francis Crocker C0341 Francis Crocker     Dr to Cash Cash     5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 11  
66 TNinLAB-62 1730-09-01 Mr Frederick Smith S0187 Frederick Smith   Hatter Dr Bond Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds     4 4       M B Ledger A 11  
67 TNinLAB-63 1730-09-01 Mr William Crosthwaite C0340 Wm Crosswaite     Dr 1 Qur Paper Paper Unspecified   1 2 0.1.2       M B Ledger A 11  
68 TNinLAB-64 1730-09-05 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr to Cash Cash     1 6 0.1.6       M B Ledger A 11  
69 TNinLAB-65 1730-09-05 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 1 Ream Paper Paper Unspecified   16   0.16.0       M B Ledger A 11  
70 TNinLAB-66 1730-09-05 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 2 Inkhorn Printing and Writing Equipment Inkhorn   1 6 .01.6       M B Ledger A 11  
71 TNinLAB-67 1730-09-05 Thomas Godfrey G0069 Tho Godfrey     Dr Cash Cash     2 6 2.6       M B Ledger A 11  
72 TNinLAB-68 1730-09-05 John Beard B0090 Jno Beard     Dr to Cash pd Campion Cash     10 0 0.10.0       M B Ledger A 11  
73 TNinLAB-69 1730-09-05 John Beard B0090 Jno Beard     Dr to Cash pd Nash Griffiths by his Order Cash     5 6 .5.6       M B Ledger A 11  
74 TNinLAB-70 1730-09-14 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 5 Qur Papr Paper Unspecified   5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 12  
75 TNinLAB-71 1730-09-14 William Davis D0032 Wm Davis     Dr 6 Sheets of Marble Pap Paper Marble   1 6 0.1.6       M B Ledger A 12  
76 TNinLAB-72 1730-09-14 Reddish & Paxton R0059 Reddish & Paxton     Dr 500 Bills Blanks and Print Jobs Bills   15   0.15.0       M B Ledger A 12  
77 TNinLAB-73 1730-09-14 Major Butterfield B0447 Major Butterfield     Dr Adv Advertisement     5   0.5.0       M B Ledger A 12  
78 TNinLAB-74 1730-09-14 John Hart & Thomas Lindley H0106 Jno Hart & Tho Lindley     Dr Adv Advertisement   1     1.0.0       M B Ledger A 12  
79 TNinLAB-75 1730-09-14 Revd. David Evans E0105 David Evans Tredyffrin   Dr a Book Durhamon Isaiah Books and Pamphlets Unspecified   8 6 0.8.6       M B Ledger A 12  
80 TNinLAB-76 1730-09-14 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bushill Esqr     Dr To printing 600 Blanks a 1d each Job Printing 2 10   2.10.0       M B Ledger A 12  
81 TNinLAB-76 1730-09-14 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bushill Esqr     Dr   Blanks and Print Jobs                 M B Ledger A 12  
82 TNinLAB-77 1730-09-14 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bushill Esqr     Dr To Paper 1 Ream & 1/3 of a Ream @ 16 S per Ream for ye Blanks Paper Unspecified 1 1 4 1.1.4       M B Ledger A 12  
83 TNinLAB-78 1730-09-14 Samuel Bustill Esqr B0444 Saml Bushill Esqr     Dr 1 Ream Paper White Paper White   16   0.16.0       M B Ledger A 12  
84 TNinLAB-79 1730-09-14 John Lee L0077 John Lee     Dr Advts Advertisement     10   0.10.0       M B Ledger A 12  
85 TNinLAB-80 1730-09-14 Sarah Read (Neighbor) R0052 Widow Read     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       F B Ledger A 12  
86 TNinLAB-81 1730-09-14 Maugridge & Cassell C0071 Mogridge & Cassel     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 12  
87 TNinLAB-82 1730-09-18 Nicholas Scull S0076 Nichl Scull     Dr 1 per Servt Indentures and 2 Bonds Blanks and Print Jobs Indentures   1 2 0.1.2       M B Ledger A 12  
88 TNinLAB-82 1730-09-18 Nicholas Scull S0076 Nichl Scull     Dr   Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds               M B Ledger A 12  
89 TNinLAB-83 1730-09-18 Charles Read R0036 Ch Read     Dr 1 Bot Ink Ink     1   0.1.0       M B Ledger A 12  
90 TNinLAB-84 1730-09-18 George Brownell B0348 Geo Broitnell     Dr 200 Rides of Civility Blanks and Print Jobs     16 8 0.16.8       M B Ledger A 12  
91 TNinLAB-85 1730-09-19 Thomas Whitemarsh W0138 Whitemarsh     Dr to Cash Cash     10   0.10.0       M B Ledger A 12  
92 TNinLAB-86 1730-09-19 John Thompson T0045 John Thomson     Cr by Cash Cash   1     1.0.0       M B Ledger A 12  
93 TNinLAB-87 1730-09-19 John Thompson T0045 John Thomson     Memo remains due to me Account Management   2 7 6 2.7.6       M B Ledger A 12  
94 TNinLAB-88 1730-09-19 John Thompson T0045 John Thomson     Cr by an Order on Geo Brownel Account Management Order 1     1.0.0       M B Ledger A 12  
95 TNinLAB-89 1730-09-19 William Coleman C0216 Wm Coleman     Dr small Gilt Bible Bible Gilt   8   0.8.0       M B Ledger A 12  
96 TNinLAB-90 1730-09-19 Mrs Godfrey G0070 Mrs Godfrey     Dr small gilt Bible Bible Gilt   8   0.8.0       F B Ledger A 12  
97 TNinLAB-91 1730-09-19 Joseph Breintnall B0314 Joseph Brientnal     Dr 50 Bank Indent & Mortgag Blanks and Print Jobs     8 4 0.8.4       M B Ledger A 12  
98 TNinLAB-92 1730-09-19 Joseph Breintnall B0314 Joseph Brientnal     Dr 50 Powers of Attorney Blanks and Print Jobs Power of Attorney   4 2 0.4.2       M B Ledger A 12  
99 TNinLAB-93 1730-09-19 Joseph Breintnall B0314 Joseph Brientnal     Dr 100 Bonds Blanks and Print Jobs Bonds   8 4 0.8.4       M B Ledger A 12  
100 TNinLAB-94 1730-09-19 Joseph Breintnall B0314 Joseph Brientnal     Dr 3 Quir Paper @ 15d Paper Unspecified   3 2 0.3.2       M B Ledger A 12  

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