all_transactions: 18732
Data license: CC BY 4.0 · Data source: American Philosophical Society · About: A database for the Franklins' ledgers.
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rowid | transaction_id | date | lemay_index | full_name | place | occupation | transaction_type | activity | controlled_description | narrow_description | pounds | shillings | pence | line_total | post_location | post_weight | gazette_no | notes | gender | transaction_entered_by | source | page_number | url | transcriber_notes |
18732 | TNinPOB11b-2696 | 1743-09-21 | L0108 | Nathan Levy | Merch[ant] | Incoming Post Charge | Postal Transaction | Incoming Post Charge | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0.1.3 | Carryd in his Act. To Sep. 8. 1743/ 10:3:10/ N Nathans 1.3/Sampn. Levi 2.6/ Isr. Abrm. 10.5/??10:17:0 | M | Philadelphia [Post Office Ledger, No.2] | 164 | |