Remer talks about the world-wide organization required to properly celebrate Benjamin Franklin. She administered all aspects of a $12 million project, mandated by the U. S. Congress, in honor of Benjamin Franklin.
Hanna Holborn Gray examines the growth of academia. What must be done about classic Liberal Arts Education to bring it forward?; Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 158, No. 2 (June 2014), pp. 128-135
Technology has moved quickly forward and what used to be considered toys are now tools of industry and public agencies. Ellman discusses the new policies that drones pose.
Discusses the movement of troops to the South and sending surgeons from Philadelphia there; informs him that the enemy are evacuating Rhode Island and will probably concentrate their forces in New York.; American Philosophical Society
Boston. Furnace stands well; the glassmen fully employed in making window glass and bottles, expects the former will be thought good enough to glaze the church. Reasons for the small profits incident to the position of General Postmaster; dishonesty of post-riders. Brother Peter in town and talks of writing to Franklin. Progress of the buildings; a tenant has bespoke one of them.; Hays' number: I, 22
13% of the total population of the US is made of immigrants. Portes discusses the reality of immigration in the US. He debunks ideas that all immigrants are uneducated and poor.
Fielding Lewis sends to Sharp Delany as well as the other managers of the United STates Lottery a list of tickets that have been sold. He writes that he cannot sell more because other tickets are dispersing through different means and have saturated the area.; American Philosophical Society
Dr. Goldin discusses gender equality and the "easy" fixes. She argues for "temporal flexibility" -- the ability to work your own chosen hours.; Further reading: Milken Institute Review. July 27, 2015.
Dr. Bowen gives the Richard A. F. Penrose Lecture. He focuses on the generational gap in enducation attainment and how class, race, and immigration status can effect statistics.
Letter from William Constable to John White about the possibilities for making money if slaves could be imported and sold.; American Philosophical Society
Friendly letter; informs her that British troops embarked from New
York supposedly bound for the West Indies and that it is doubtful whether
the enemy will abandon New York this fall; points out that the American
army is "considerably divided," gives the disposition of specified units,
and mentions that "considerable detachments" were sent to guard the
western frontier against Tories and Indians.