audio:20998; APSdigrec_6499; Recording Number: 721; Program Number: 04
This portion of the interview primarily concerns Hopi ceremonial costume.; Corresponds to original MNA tape 21. Poor sound quality due to background hum and high levels.
audio:20954; APSdigrec_6470; Recording Number: 714; Program Number: 03
"Recorded at Hotevilla Day School. Comments on 'Ethnobotany of the Hopi," but wanders off.... trip to New Mexico in 1933; Owen, collecting in 1903, kachina masks, etc."; Corresponds to original MNA tape 14. Poor sound quality due to background hum and very high levels.
Long-haired kachina dance, translation and commentary.; This recording has been designated as potentially culturally sensitive, pending further review. Reproduction and online access is restricted. Please consult the Curator of Native American Materials for more information.
Long-haired kachina dance.; This recording has been designated as potentially culturally sensitive, pending further review. Reproduction and online access is restricted. Please consult the Curator of Native American Materials for more information.
audio:20997; APSdigrec_6496; Recording Number: 721; Program Number: 01
This portion of the interview primarily concerns kachinas costumes and animal names.; Corresponds to original MNA tape 21. Poor sound quality due to background hum and high levels.