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The American Philosophical Society...requests the honor of Mr. _____ company at the St. George Hotel on Monday, March 15 1880 at 5 p.m. at a dinner to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the society
A catalogue of books written by Dr. Joseph Priestley
Phrenological developements [sic] of _____
History of the Indian tribes of North America. With biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Embellished with 120 portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War at Washington.
An unlimited daily calendar; serving for every year, before and after the Christian era, both for the old and new styles
Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand, revived and improved by S. Polito, the first emporium of living curiosities in the known world; is now classically divided into three different apartments, in a most substantial, clean, and beautiful order
Academia Scientiarium Imperialis L: S: Academiam Petri Magni auspiciis.... Datum ex Academia Scientiarum M: Januar: D: 14 A: 1726. [Saint Petersburg]: Typis mandatum Typographia Petropolitana
Les chaires à l'Université Impériale de Vilna que l'assemblée générale de professeurs tenue le 18. julliet 1803 a declarées vacantes pour ètre publiées, sont...
Sujets de prix, proposés par l'Académie...pour l'année 1782.... [Page 2:] Pour l'année 1783. ...A Lyon, le 5 septembre 1780
A living whale! And monstrous living crocodile. In a communication to the Boston Journal, Professor Agassiz gives the following description of the white whale.... [Page 2:] Catalogue. ...Boston, June 3, 1861.
A new astronomical instrument. Shewing the day of the month, change and age of the moon, the places of the sun and moon in the ecliptic,
M'Carty & Davis,...Philadelphia, propose publishing by subscription, an original work, entitled, A narrative of the mission of the United Brethen, amongst the Delaware and Mohegan Indians
Tableau du Cercle des Philadelphes, Établi au Cap-François avec l'approbation du Roi, le 15 août 1784
Circular. Providence, R. I.[,] Nov. 1, 1830. At an adjourned meeting of the board of trustees of the Rhode-Island Historical Society
Sir William Jones