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Premiums. The American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge, in order the more effectually to answer the ends of their institution, have agreed to appropriate,
Phrenological character of _____ by Mr [C. H. Canfield] practical phrenologist
Lectures on geology. By John Finch, F.B.S. Author of several geological essays
Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand, the grandest national depot of animated nature in the world, open for inspection every day...
Important to naturalists, scientific institutions, &c. ...Just published, price one guinea to subscribers--thirty shillings to non-subscribers, The natural history of the order Cetacea, and the oceanic inhabitants of the Arctic regions.
An extract from a letter of the Rev. Mr. John Hellins, formerly assistant to Mr. (now Dr.) Maskelyne, the Astronomer-Royal at Greenwich Observatory, to Francis Maseres, Esq. Dated Potter's Pury, near Stoney Stratford, in Buckinghamshire, Sept. 25, 1792.
Baltimore, Maryland, _____ 183_. The Maryland Academy of Science and Literature, having lately had the misfortune to lose its valuable museum and library by fire
The names and births of the children of John and Ann Bartram, viz.
Third circular of the committee, relating to the contemplated meeting to commence on the first Monday of April 1844. To which are added certain proceedings of the board of management of the institute.
City Museum. Callowhill Street, below Fifth. Another great bill. [List of attractions]
Elementary treatise on mineralogy. Prospectus of a treatise on mineralogy; adapted to the present state of science; including important applications to the arts and manufactures
Sammlungen von mineralien, petrefakten und krystall-modellen/ Collections de minéraux, de petrifications et modèles de cristaux
Behold here the first man who hath squared the circles of 140000 solar and St. John's 144000 lunar years. One is a square to that whose sextant 25920 answers to the modern Hindus' 24000, the sixth of 360 x 400
Tickets of admission to Zoological Garden, Philadelphia
Iconografia della fauna Italica di Carlo Luciano Bonaparte Principe di Musignano. Prospetto